NACO works with Nevada’s congressional delegation on issues of concern to all Nevada counties. NACO is also an affiliate of the National Association of Counties (NACo) and helps to advance their federal legislative priorities. As an affiliate member of the National Association of Counties NACO, county officials and NACO staff may serve on NACo Steering Committees, if you are interested in serving on a committee please contact us. County Officials and NACO staff currently serve on the following National Committees:
- Agriculture & Rural Affairs Steering Committee - Douglas County Commissioner, Mark Gardner; Lyon County Commissioner, Scott Keller
- Energy, Environment & Land Use Steering Committee - NACO Executive Director, Vinson Guthreau
- Large Urban Caucus - Clark County Commissioner, Marilyn Kirkpatrick
- Public Lands Steering Committee - Elko Commissioner, Rex Steninger; Lincoln County Commissioner, Varlin Higbee; Nye County Commissioner, Debra Strickland; Nye County Natural Resources Manager, Megan Labidee; Washoe County Commissioner, Jeanne Herman; Lyon County Commissioner Tammy Hendrix
- Rural Action Caucus - Lyon County Commissioner, Scott Keller - Vice Chair; Washoe County Commissioner, Jeanne Herman
- Telecommunications & Technology Committee - Clark County Commissioner, Marilyn Kirkpatrick
- Transportation Steering Committee - NACO ExecutiveDirector, Vinson Guthreau

Federal Congressional Districts image from Nevada Legislative Council Bureau.
Nevada is divided into four congressional districts, each represented by a member of the United States House of Representatives. After the 2010 Census, Nevada gained a fourth House seat