The Fund for Hospital Care to Indigent Persons (NRS 428.115), or Indigent Accident Fund, commonly referred to as the IAF, was created by the Legislature in 1983 for the purpose of reimbursing hospitals for some of the expenses realized from the treatment of indigent persons injured in motor vehicle crashes in Nevada. The Board for the Fund for Hospital Care to Indigent Persons (Board) which is comprised of four county commissioners and a county social services director appointed by the Governor oversees the Fund. NACO provides administrative support to the Board through a contract with the State Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Senate Bill 452 enacted in the 2013 Legislative Session authorizes additional uses of the Fund and allows the Board (1) to transfer an agreed upon amount of money each year from the Fund to DHHS to include in the State Plan for Medicaid an enhanced rate of reimbursement for hospital care provided to recipients of Medicaid or to make supplemental payments to the hospital for the provision of such hospital care through increased federal financial participation, and (2) to satisfy any portion of the obligation of a county to pay the nonfederal share of expenditures for the Medicaid Match program for long term care.
Meeting agendas and minutes can be found here or by contacting the NACO office at 775.883.7863