All resolutions and policies have been voted on and adopted by the NACO Board of Directors.
Signed copies will be posted as soon as they are available.
- 24-03 – Thanking Eureka County for Hosting NACO's May 2024 Board Meeting
- 24-02 – Recognizing State Senator Pete Goicoechea
- 24-01 – National County Government Month
- 23-01 – National County Government Month
- 23-02 – Historic Rights Preservation Act
- 23-03 – A Resolution Thanking Elko County For Hosting Naco’s 2023 Annual Conference
- 22-01 – National County Government Month
- 20-01 – National Radon Action Month
- 20-02 – Support of the Recent Decision by the Board for the Fund for Accident Care to Indigent Persons
- 19-01 – National Radon Action Month
- 19-02 National County Government Month
- 19-03 – Clark County NACo Annual Conference Hosting
- 19-04 – Washoe County Hosting NACO Annual Conference
- 12-01 Lyon County Land Conveyance
- 12-02 Road Relinquishment
- 12-03 Establishment of the Committee of the Emeritus
- 12-04 Resolution Thanking Carson City for hosting the 2012 NACO Annual Conference
- 11-01 Opposition to DOI Secretarial Order 3310
- 11-02 Recognizing Senator Bill Raggio
- 11-03 Protesting Electical Penalty Rates for Irrigation Activities
- 11-04 Support of the Annual Nevada Wildfire Awareness Week
- 11-05 Recognizing the Importance of Public Lands Grazing
- 11-06 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act
- 11-07 Equal Access to Justice Act
- 11-08 Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Nevada’s Original 9 Counties
- 11-09 Commending the 2011 NACO Annual Conference Host Counties
- 11-10 Support of the Pine Forest Range Recreation Enhancement Act
- 10-01 Restoration of the County Share of Geothermal Lease Revenue
- 10-02 Thanking NDOT for Their Efforts on ARRA Transportation Projects
- 10-03 Regarding the Permanent Retirement of Grazing Allotments
- 10-04 In Support of Adding Nevada to the “Wyoming Exclusion” of the Antiquities Act
- 10-05 Protesting the United States Forest Service Travel Management Plan Scoping Process
- 10-06 Regarding the Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands in Nevada
- 10-07 Condeming the use possesion and sale of certain chemical componds described as synthetic cannabinoids (“Spice”)
- 10-08 Urging Cooperation in Regards to “Cherkerboard” Lands in Nevada
Prior Years
- 09-01 Commending Cason City for Hosting the 2008 Annual Conference
- 09-02 Support of National Radon Action Month
- 09-03 Clean Water Act
- 09-04 National Landscape Conservation System
- 09-05 April 2009 Child Abuse Prevention Month
- 09-06 Wildfire Awareness Week
- 09-07 Opposing the Listing of Sage Grouse as Threatened or Endangered Species
- 09-08 Commending Douglas County for Hosting the 2009 NACO Annual Conference
- 08-07 Thanking Senator Reid for Full Funding of PILT
- 08-06 County Approval of Public Lands Bills
- 08-05 Additional Funding for Nevada’s Roads and Highways
- 08-04 Renewal of Grazing Permits on Public Lands
- 08-03 Wind Generators on Public Lands
- 08-02 Child Abuse Prevention Week
- 08-01 Nevada Wildland Fire Awareness Week
- 07-05 Off-Highway Vehicles