Foundational Public Health Services

Foundational Public Health Services in Nevada's Counties

The purpose of the Foundational Public Health Services assessment, conducted by NACO in partnership with UNR Extension and the State of Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, is to provide Nevada’s suburban, rural, and frontier county governments, community partners, and public health authorities with a baseline of public health services in their county and their region utilizing a nationally recognized framework. The assessment results provide local infrastructure data that can be analyzed alongside local health indicators and community health needs assessments to support strategic decision-making for community health improvement.

The Foundational Public Health Services framework was developed through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) with input from health department leadership across the country.

The use of the national Foundational Public Health Services model enables local and state public health agencies in Nevada to benchmark progress with other states, leverage data to secure federal funding for targeted improvement efforts, and more robustly consider Nevada’s public health policy and infrastructure from a national perspective.

Click HERE to download the full report.

Listen to the podcast to learn more!

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